Hello there

Here’s to my first actual blog post on this new platform. The last of its name used to depict my life as a student moving on to his new life as an intern in a foreign country. A lot has changed ever since. I finished my Bachelor’s Degree and my internship turned into a full-time job. Then again, I quit this full-time job six months later to work in a new Public Relations agency.

Things have been going very well the past few months to the point where I found myself with a lot of free time in my hands. This time allowed me to reflect a lot on my opportunities and I decided it was the right moment to open myself up to learn more things.

I’ve always been really interested in Social Media and have managed to grow and cultivate a following through a blog targeting Video Game and Tech Reviews of around a 1000 followers on Twitter and reached more than 50 000 people after all these years, but I want to understand more and attract bigger numbers.

This blog where you’re reading right now is going to host this first open and transparent case study with monthly updates. I’m already two weeks ahead at the time of writing and things are looking really promising and my reach is without a doubt going to blow out of the water what I’ve been able to do with my first website.

I’m also having the opportunity to learn Python as a part of my new gig and I’ve always been really keen to automating things. My understanding is that you can only do so much in Google Sheets and Python allows the user to achieve so many things that I could only dream of doing with my old habits. I am still learning the basics of the language before jumping to web scraping, data analysis and web applications libraries but I will use this blog as a mean to share my projects. A lot of the long term goals from the previous project I mentioned involves some sort of automation or data collection problems that Python could solve and I’m really looking forward to share all of this here.

All and all, I just installed this blog as a way for me to save, collect and monitor my progress from the beginning to what will keep on being, I hope, a very interesting career.


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